It has always been her desire to try and put into words what we experience when we're having sex, if such a thing were even possible, since we cannot seem find words in the English language that adequately begin to describe where we both go when we make love. Eastern cultures and religions all explore human sexuality as a path to the spiritual, but Christianity does not have a counterpart. Hmmmmmm. Maybe this is why there are no words to really describe the intensity and feelings of sexual and spiritual connected bliss in our language. She first thought of writing a book on the subject but then decided to put her thoughts into a blog that may one day be the basis of a book.
A couple of weeks ago while at the local pub, we were discusing her blog on this and what it might be called and we came up with the title, "Spiritual Lubricant". Catchy, eh? Again take a look at the link to her blog. In the meantime, I will generously continue to offer to help her with any research on subject! Seriously, she is very much into the spiritual world and it shows. As for me, I sometimes struggle to really grasp some of these concepts, although I certainly don't doubt that they exist. I have more than once experienced things that I simply cannot explain. I just need to try and understand it all in my terms. Not easy. Lying in bed this last weekend on a snowy morning, I think I got it. In a strange way, I think I "got my head around" how our sexual experiences reach the almost spiritual or energetic levels that they do.
The creation of a life force is the most powerful energy in our known universe. Period. It cannot be duplicated or even fully understood. You're dealing with something that is all encompassing and to which we were all connected at one time in our life. It's the warm and good energy that brings life. It is God, the life force, Mother Earth, call it what you will. But it definitely does exist. When we die, perhaps the white light and warm energy is this same energy calling us home. It is something we don't understand and obviously don't respect, judging by how we "value" life. But that's a story for another day.
So how do we access this life force, energy, God, or whatever you want to call it and begin to feel it's warmth and well being in a conscious state? When are we the closest to it? When can we vaguely glimpse it's power, energy and spirit, even if just for the brief moment we are priveleged to experience it?
Answer: When you're engaged loving and respectful sexual intercourse. Think about it. When you're holding your partner close to you and you ejaculate deeply into her, you are allowing for the possibility of this life force to be present and for a brief moment in time, you can be connected to it. Life may or may not be created by this one act, but you are taking the first steps toward that possibility and that's all that matters here.You've scraped the spiritual surface and have been allowed to be in it's presence, no matter how fleeting. The experience is enhanced to a higher, almost "spiritual" level if when this happens you are with a partner you are deeply in love with and have taken the time to really be sexually attuned to each other and be fully ready for the experience. So in a sense, nice prolonged foreplay that is loving and respectful can also be considered Spiritual Lubricant since it greatly facilititates the spiritual life force to gently slide into your consciousness as part of making love. Take the time to fully embrace the experience, feel both the physical and spritital connection that is possible when you both get to that special place. It can be truly amazing.
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